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Notice: Disestablishment of the ANU College of Health and Medicine

The ANU College of Health and Medicine has been disestablished as of 1 January 2025.

For more information, visit the Renew ANU website.

Community engagement

We have close relationships with Indigenous communities through partnerships, events and a number of campuses located in rural areas.

Partnerships with Indigenous organisations & communities funding »

Together with the ANU College of Science, the ANU College of Health & Medicine has established a fund to facilitate academic staff mobility in visiting various Indigenous communities and schools.

Indigenous Professional Staff Traineeship Program »

The ANU College of Health & Medicine and the ANU College of Science offer Indigenous students the opportunity to take on a one-or two-year traineeship. The trainees will work in a specific function within Science Administration for four days a week and spend one day a week training, with the aim of building a career-path to full-time work at ANU as a professional staff member.

Relationships with rural communities

ANU Kioloa Coastal Campus »

The Kioloa Coastal Campus is located on the south coast of New South Wales adjacent to the village of Kioloa, on country for which the Murramarang people have been custodians for thousands of generations and on which they have performed age-old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal.

ANU Medical School rural clinical schools »

The ANU Medical School conducts teaching at many sites throughout the ACT, the south-east region of NSW and in remote Northern Territory.

Research collaborations with local communities »

The College has vast experience in national, longitudinal studies that are developed in consultation with communities, making them relevant to the communities involved.

Updated:  18 August 2023/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web