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Notice: Disestablishment of the ANU College of Health and Medicine

The ANU College of Health and Medicine has been disestablished as of 1 January 2025.

For more information, visit the Renew ANU website.

Teaching and Learning grants give our staff the opportunity to undertake collaborative research and development projects which enhance the quality of teaching and the student experience of learning. Grant opportunities are made available to staff to facilitate innovation, collaboration and to disseminate good practice.

Grant winners

ANU College Research-led Education Fellowship

Juliey Beckman, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Supporting undergraduate preparation for progression using multimedia learning activities This project will develop and deploy multimedia learning resources designed to support undergraduates who have limited prior experience in their chosen discipline.


ANU College Research-led Education Fellowship

John Debs, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

A Makerspace for Interdisciplinary, Research-Led Science Education

A makerspace is an environment that brings communities of people together with the resources, tools, and knowledge to work on their projects. Such spaces offer people the opportunity to learn and transfer skills, while solving problems in an active research-led way. These thriving environments forge creativity, stimulate the curious mind, and can readily be translated into an interdisciplinary learning space in higher education, for all science and engineering at ANU; and potentially for all Colleges.


ANU Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Enhancement Grant

Christina Delay, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Tutor Café

Tutors and demonstrators play a fundamental role in teaching at ANU. There is currently training for tutors and demonstrators provided by some individual colleges and a set of modules provided by CHELT.


ANU VC Teaching Enhancement Grant

Dr John Mavrogenes and Mr Tarun Whan, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Ore Genesis Research Enterprise (OGRE), 3rd year Economic Geology course.


ANU VC Teaching Enhancement Grant

Dr Lindy Orthia, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, CPMS

Tutor Café

Building a bibliographic database into a student-authored public wiki to support student research, real world assessment and professional skill development.


ANU VC Teaching Enhancement Grant

Associate Professor Krisztina Valter, Dr Alex Webb, ANU Medical School, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Improving the shared learning experience using an approach to foster a community of learning.


ANU Teaching Enhancement Grant

Dr Lilia Ferrario, Professor Peter Bouknegt, Dr Griff Ware, Dr Steve Roberts, Dr Linda Stals, Dr Xiaolong Han, Dr Agnes Boskovitz, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

A novel method to provide prompt and formative assessment feedback to mathematics students.


ANU Teaching Enhancement Grant

Associate Professor Joe Hope & Mr Ethan Barden, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Flipping Honours Quantum

This project will utilise the edge.edX platform to 'flip' the Physics Honours Quantum course. Students across all disciplines need to learn the requisite background theory and, critically,how to apply this theory to solve problems. Unfortunately, students typically receive far fewer contact hours devoted to application than content. By moving all lecture content online,students will be able to access the course content at their convenience,and academic contact hours can be more effectively utilised guiding students through challenging and open-ended problems. This project will make use of experience and lessons learned from flipping the third year Theoretical Physics course.


ANU Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Enhancement Grant

Gerry Corrigan, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Workshops with a purpose: writing formative assessment items All graduates of degree programs including medicine are expected to emerge with lifelong learning skills. Self-regulated learning (SRL) is acknowledged as a key element of the lifelong learning skill set.


ANU Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Enhancement Grant

Imogen Mitchell, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

A vital game plan - Medical students attitudes and opinions on games and new media technologies in medical education Australian Medical Schools have been slow to adopt strategies such as games to provide flexible, active, experiential, situated and problem based learning opportunities.


ANU Research-led Education Fellowship

Christopher Fulton, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Fostering functional creativity and research literacy in undergraduate scientists via multimedia communication Innovative thinking and a capacity to communicate new concepts to a diverse audience are key attributes for a successful researcher.


ANU Research-led Education Fellowship

Ruth Mills, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Research-led Education in the Science Peer Assisted Learning Program The success of the PAL program in supporting student learning has been recognised by an ANU teaching award, however there is room for improvement to better address diverse student needs.

ANU Teaching Enhancement Grant

Stephen Cox, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Deformational Sandbox

This project will enhance research-led teaching at all undergraduate levels in Earth Sciences by introducing students to methods for quantitative physical analogue modeling by the construction of a "deformational sandbox" apparatus to simulate large-scale deformation processes that occur in the Earth's crust on timescales of millions of years.


ANU Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Enhancement Grant

Krizstina Valter, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Developing interactive games for anatomy education Students often find the learning of anatomy challenging. They are faced with a large amount of facts and foreign concepts, all using new terminology.


Learning and Teaching Grant

Lilia Ferrario, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Theory and Cryptography to a full online model


ANU Linkage Grant for Learning & Teaching

Lisa Kewley, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Developing capability in space science and engineering by developing a cross-disciplinary short course.


ALTC Innovation & Development Grant

Ruth Mills, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

This Fellowship will engage a diverse group of people, internal and external to ANU, to provide us with advice as we seek to embed research led education in the culture and structure of the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program.


ALTC Innovation & Development Grant

Paula Newitt, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

ANU is distinctive in the Australian university sector in the access that undergraduate students have to research and to researchers. However, there is unmet demand from students to participate in undergraduate research experiences (UREs).

ANU Teaching Enhancement Grant

Penny King, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Promoting deep learning in the cross-disciplinary Earth systems science class using new online and research-led approaches: creating a springboard for a future office of learning and teaching.


ANU Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Enhancement Grant

Karen Hussey, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Quizzes and model answers: Incorporating peer assessment There are three aims: To enhance student learning at masters level to more fully reflect the AQF, specifically through devising assessment and group work/ peer assessment for facilitation activities.


ANU Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Enhancement Grant

Ruth Mills, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment, ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Peer Assisted Learning Community of Practice Objective To develop a Community of Practice for groups at ANU interested in implementing and employing peer-assisted learning philosophies within their own education programs.


ANU Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Enhancement Grant

Kristen Pammer, ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment

Evaluating best practice and the development of a working model of peer review of teaching at the ANU The aim of the project is to collect information about best practice in regards to peer-review of teaching, and on the basis of this information develop working models of peer-review for evaluation and implementation at the ANU.

Updated:  13 September 2019/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web