Warning message

Notice: Disestablishment of the ANU College of Health and Medicine

The ANU College of Health and Medicine has been disestablished as of 1 January 2025.

For more information, visit the Renew ANU website.

Mentoring & volunteering

There are many ways to get involved. Find out how to become an active part of our community.

Pathfinder guides

Pathfinder is a program to guide and support our newest graduates in the early days and years as an ANU alumni.

We are seeking alumni guides to attend this event and provide advice and encouragement to these new alumni drawing on past experiences to help these new alumni navigate the path they are traveling.

Guides will have a profile created and posted online to promote their attendance at the event and then will be identified at the event for mentees to approach during an informal networking session.

Everyone’s journey is different and yours may be the key to helping someone else!

For more information contact the Science, Health & Medicine Alumni Relations team science.advancement@anu.edu.au.

Write for us

We are always seeking interesting and diverse works for a number of audiences. The opportunities are varied if you have an angle or idea please contact us.

Updated:  15 January 2020/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web