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Notice: Disestablishment of the ANU College of Health and Medicine

The ANU College of Health and Medicine has been disestablished as of 1 January 2025.

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Health & Medicine National Poster Competition 2024

ANU College of Health and Medicine invites Australian high school students to create a poster addressing the theme: How may AI improve life, health and wellbeing for Australians in the future? Teams of 2-4 people from Years 10 – 12 of Australian high schools are invited to participate in this competition.


Poster Theme

  • How may AI improve life, health and wellbeing for Australians in the future?

Submit Entry Here

How it works

  • Form a team of 2-4 people. All members of the team must be in Years 10 - 12 and currently enrolled in the same high school in Australia.
  • All teams must complete the registration form for the competition when submitting their entry and provide supporting documentation. Registration and participation is free.
  • ANU College of Health and Medicine must recieve your team's completed registration form and submission by 5pm AEST on Monday 22 July 2024. No late submissions will be considered. 
  • All submissions will be reviewed and assessed by the judging panel consisting of Australian National University academics, postgraduate students, higher degree research students and/or early career professionals. The judging panel will check submissions for academic accuracy, and will shortlist submissions to be exhibited. 
  • The shortlisted submissions will be open for voting. Individuals will only be able to cast one vote for this competition. 
  • The voting period will close at 5pm AEST on Monday 23 September 2024 (revised). The final number of votes for each exhibited submission will then be announced on the competition webpage. 
  • The top three submissions based on the number of votes will be awarded a prize. Each member of a winning team will receive a trophy and certificate. 
  • Each individual member of a participating team will recieve a certificate of participation for submitting an entry into this competition. 
  • The ANU College of Health and Medicine values the richness that gender diversity brings to the health and medical sciences. As such, we encourage teams to represent this diversity.  

   Winners will be contacted via email by the end of August to arrange prizes. 

Revised Key Dates

  • 31 May - Competition opens 
  • 22 July - Submissions close (*New submission deadline*) 
  • Week of 26 August - Shortlisted entries will be notified via email and shortlisted submissions will be exhibited at a location in ANU Acton Campus for public voting
  • 23 Septmber - Voting closes and winning submissions will be announced on competition webpage 
  • End September - Winning teams will be contacted. 


  • 1st prize: $1000 AUD giftcard
  • 2nd prize:  $750 AUD giftcard
  • 3rd prize:  $500 AUD giftcard

All participants will receive a certificate of participation from The Australian National University. Winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will receive a trophy and a certificate.


Submit Entry Here

Terms and Conditions

The Australian National University College of Health and Medicine (ABN: 52 234 063 906)

Information on how to enter the ANU Health & Medicine National Poster Competition 2024 is included in the Terms and Conditions below.

  1. Entry is open to Year 10 - 12 students who are currently enrolled in a high school in Australia. 
  2. All participating members of a team must be from the same institution. 
  3. Entry to the competition is via the ANU Health & Medicine website: Submissions for the Health and Medicine National Poster Competition 2024 | ANU College of Health & Medicine
  4. There is no entry fee for the competition.
  5. For any concerns or queries please email outreach.CHM@anu.edu.au
  6. The competition opens on 31 May 2024. Shortlisted entries will be announced during the week of 12 August 2024. Winners will be announced end of September 2024.  Winners will be contacted by the end of August to arrange delivery of prizes. More information will be provided on the registration page.
  7. There are three (3) prizes available for the three best entries:
    • 1st prize: $1000 AUD giftcard
    • 2nd prize: $750 AUD giftcard
    • 3rd prize:  $500 AUD giftcard 
  8. The Prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if the Prize Winner is unable to use the prize as stated. The prize is not transferable to another person or exchangeable for other goods and services and cannot be redeemed as cash.
  9. The ANU College of Health & Medicine collects personal information about you to enable you to participate in this promotion. Prize Winners must sign any legal documentation as and in the form required by the ANU College of Health & Medicine, consent to a photograph with ANU staff, and  the use of the image and video for relevant marketing activities. The ANU College of Health & Medicine collects personal information about you to enable you to participate in this promotion.
  10. Prize winners will be notified in writing (email) within fourteen (14) days after the voting period closes. The number of votes for the Health and Medicine National Poster Competition 2024 will be published on the ANU College of Health & Medicine website.
  11. Only one entry is allowed per team. Each team must contain two (2) to four (4) students from the same school. 
  12. By entering the competition, you declare that the submitted work is entirely your own. The ANU College of Health & Medicine will immediately disqualify any work suspected of being plagiarised or suspected to be subject to academic misconduct.
  13. Poster submissions must be in A2 size. Artwork can be in the form of drawings, paintings, photos, text, or a combination. AI generated images are not allowed, and all work must be your own creation. Please upload a high-quality scanned copy of your poster, or digital copy in PDF, JPG or JPEG format. Files must be less than 8 MB.
  14. Entries can be mailed to ANU College of Health and Medicine if desired and must be addressed to: CHM Marketing, Level 2, Building 5 South Wing, Fellows Road, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601. If you decide to mail your entry, your team must still fill in the online submission form and upload a high-quality scanned copy of your poster in PDF, JPG or JPEG format by 5pm AEST on 22 July 2024 to be considered. 
  15. The views expressed in the poster do not reflect on the views of the ANU College of Health & Medicine, and remain solely the views of the participating team. 
  16. By entering the competition, you declare that all information provided is correct and not misleading, and you meet the eligibility requirements to participate in this competition. 
  17. The ANU College of Health & Medicine reserves the right to withdraw applications at any stage for any reason determined appropriate by the ANU College of Health & Medicine.
  18. The ANU College of Health & Medicine reserves the right to extend or modify the closing date.
  19. Submissions will initially be marked by a panel of judges chosen by the ANU College of Health & Medicine. As part of the competition the ANU College of Health & Medicine will provide submissions and entrant details to each member of the judging panel.
  20. By entering the competition, the entrant gives permission to the ANU College of Health & Medicine and sponsors to use the winners name, likeness and work for promotional purposes, and other purposes deemed appropriate.
  21. Participants agree that the ANU College of Health & Medicine and sponsoring entities are not liable for any damages or losses arising from the competition.
  22. All submitted work is subject to the ANU College of Health & Medicine Privacy Policy.
  23. Incomprehensible and incomplete entries will be deemed invalid.
  24. The ANU College of Health & Medicine reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any entry which, in the opinion of the ANU College of Health & Medicine, includes objectionable content, profanity, and potentially insulting, inflammatory or defamatory statements.
  25. The ANU College of Health & Medicine reserves the right to disqualify any entrant/team that tampers with the entry process, submits an entry that is not in accordance with the terms and conditions of entry or that has, in the opinion of the ANU College of Health & Medicine, engaged in conduct which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the promotion and/or ANU College of Health & Medicine. The ANU College of Health & Medicine reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual they believe has breached any of these conditions.
  26. The ANU College of Health & Medicine reserves the right to disqualify a winner if the ANU College of Health & Medicine becomes aware that the winner and/or the winner’s entry does not satisfy the terms and conditions.
  27. The ANU College of Health & Medicine accepts no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected entries including delays in the completion of tasks due to technical disruptions, network congestion or for any other reason.
  28. The ANU College of Health & Medicine’s decision is final and the ANU College of Health & Medicine will not enter into correspondence regarding the competition result or winning entries.
  29. In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the ANU College of Health & Medicine’s ability to proceed with the competition on the dates and in the manner described in these terms and conditions, including but not limited to vandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, the ANU College of Health & Medicine may in its absolute discretion cancel the competition and recommence it from the start on the same conditions, subject to any directions given under State Regulation.


Updated:  4 June 2024/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web