Tom Sloan

Thomas Sloan
Chief Executive Officer
Sustineo P/L

About Tom

While not born in Canberra, I was certainly bred in the city and have been here through the school, university and work.

I work at a research consulting firm which keeps me travelling overseas for about three months of each year and working on a diverse range of sustainable development related projects. My next trips are to Solomon Islands (women’s political leadership research), Vanuatu (impact assessment on forest commodities) and PNG (crime and justice research).

From 2010-2015 I tutored at the ANU and have maintained a strong link to the university since then through continuing to lecture across various courses, provide advice to form students, and host mostly ANU students through internships and group projects at work.

I am an avid sportsperson. I once had desires to be a professional athlete but without surprise that didn’t go anywhere. That said, if you need a social sporting team of almost any kind, I can probably help. When not running around, I spend far too much time in cares and bars catching up with friends.

Area of study

I did a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Sustainability) (Honours) (now a Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability). Human Ecology, International Relations, Geography.

Epic fail

Traveling in ‘comfortable’ mode and getting  caught out in pretty embarrassing way going on a work trip to Thailand for an international conference that I was the lead organiser and MC for – a luggage mishap, creating a series of unplanned and unpleasant encounters including meetings with VIP’s in my t-shit, thongs and shorts.

Proudest moment

Attending a United Nations Development Programme event in Solomon Islands for the launch of the 'National Perceptions Survey on Peacebuilding for Solomon Islands'. The report was launched by the acting Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, along with the head UN figure for the Pacific. As the lead on the project, it was incredibly satisfying to see the outputs of what was a challenging project come together, be informing policy discussion and directly feeding into programming decisions. It was certainly one of the most rewarding projects I have had the opportunity to work on.

Top tip

Be confident and back your own abilities but be humble and open to learning in the way you engage with people. Invest in working relationships with integrity and building trust its far more rewarding and meaningful over time.

Updated:  23 February 2020/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web