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Notice: Disestablishment of the ANU College of Health and Medicine

The ANU College of Health and Medicine has been disestablished as of 1 January 2025.

For more information, visit the Renew ANU website.

Emergency Department Case Study with the School of Medicine and Psychology

 Location: Acton campus
 Format: Activities
 Year group: Years 10-12
 Duration: 60 - 90 minutes (flexible)
 Number of students: 20-30
 Availability: Weekdays excluding public holidays. Please contact us for availability throughout the rest of the year. At least 1 months’ notice required.
 Cost: Free

In this case study, students participate in a hospital emergency department scenario. Students form small groups and are allocated different roles in a multidisciplinary and/or interprofessional group. The team must collaborate to consult on the case of a particular patient, with the goal to set up a diagnosis and plan management of the patient to assist recovery. 

Updated:  23 November 2023/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web