Mad Knowledges and User-Led Research - A Conversation

Date & time: 5.30–7.30pm 28 September 2023
Location: RSSS Auditorium, room 1.28, 146 Ellery Crescent Acton, ACT 2601 - View in map
Cost: $0 per person

Diana Rose and Michelle Banfield will be in discussion about Diana’s book Mad Knowledges and User Led Research (Palgrave, 2022) which combines theory, research and activism around 'madness' and proposes the conditions needed to address the development of Mad epistemologies.

The book is available here .

This event is co-organised with the ALIVE National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation.

For more information about this event, please contact

  • This event is both in-person and online. If you cannot attend in person, please register for an online ticket.
  • Light refreshments will be provided after the event for those able to attend in person. Please confirm your dietary restrictions in the registration form.

Diana Rose was born and raised in a semi-feudal economy in the North of Scotland. She made it to university and then had two academic careers. The first, centered social psychology, language and feminism but was terminated by the mental distress that had been with her all her adult life. She spent the next 10 years in and out of hospital, ‘living in the community’ and never expecting to work again. At the same time, in these 10 years, she became heavily involved in activism. But she was in the right place at the right time. The UK government wanted to involve ‘patients and the public’ in research. And so a source of stigma became a qualification for one job in particular. This first job comprised peer evaluation of services by the ‘most vulnerable’. She was then approached to go to the Institute of Psychiatry as ‘Co-Ordinator’ of the Service User Research Enterprise (SURE), a team of user/survivor researchers. That was 2001 and in 2013 she became the world’s first Professor in User-Led Research. Many a tale could be told about those 12 years She retired in 2020 and now lives in France. Her latest book is Mad Knowledges and User-Led Research, published by Palgrave in 2022.


Updated:  29 August 2023/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web