ANU and AIHW to partner on big health data

AIHW and ANU MoU signing

Front row: Professor Keith Nugent, ANU Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and Barry Sandison, Chief Executive Officer, AIHW
Back row: Professor Russell Gruen, Dean ANU College of Health and Medicine and Matthew James, Deputy CEO, AIHW

ANU and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) have announced a partnership that will bring together data and academic expertise to tackle challenges in Australia’s health system.   

Professor Russell Gruen, Dean ANU College of Health and Medicine said “we have worked with AIHW for many years, and they are a vital national resource for academic work and policy-making. We know that when we combine our expertise, the possibilities seem endless. This new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will enhance the work we do together and help take this to a whole new level.”

As a key agency in the Commonwealth Health portfolio, AIHW has a unique and vital role in gathering and reporting up to date evidence on the health of the Australian population.

AIHW Chief Executive Officer, Mr Barry Sandison said “our job is to provide more and better data as well as context and analysis. Our partnership brings together the AIHW’s extensive knowledge and skills, with the first rate analytical abilities and skills of people who work at the ANU.

“Where it gets really exciting is when we get to bring together data, knowledge and analysis to answer important questions — our partnership with the ANU will help us do this.”

Professor Gruen says: “The pandemic has required us to work and engage in new and different ways. We have also realised the importance of linking together health, social and other data, and the value of bringing in different types expertise from across the university. In doing so, we provide real value to Government and agencies such as AIHW.”

Discussions are already underway on exchange opportunities, student placements and joint projects—the benefits of which the ANU has seen through its existing MoU with the Australian Government Department of Health.

Professor Michael Kidd, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the Department of Health, is a Professor of Primary Care Reform at the ANU.

“I see firsthand the quality of reporting from AIHW and the spotlight it shines on the healthcare needs of Australians. There is much we can do to turn these insights into policy and practice,” he said.  

The agreement was formalised at an ANU-AIHW workshop that is already generating awareness, curiosity and conversation around what this powerful partnership will achieve. 

Group photo - MoU signing

Participants of the first ANU-AIHW workshop

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Updated:  26 February 2021/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web