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Notice: Disestablishment of the ANU College of Health and Medicine

The ANU College of Health and Medicine has been disestablished as of 1 January 2025.

For more information, visit the Renew ANU website.

person standing on a mountain in the sunset

The Policy Forum Pod

Policy Forum is an ANU College of Asia and the Pacific platform for public policy debate, analysis, views, and discussion.

It is supported by the ANU College of Health and Medicine and co-hosted by Arnagretta Hunter, a cardiologist, physician, and a Senior Clinical Lecturer for the ANU Medical School. She is the Human Futures Fellow for the ANU College of Health and Medicine. Arnagretta's research interest is in health and public policy development, particularly the influence of public policy approaches to health outcomes, and she is passionate about the social determinants of health. She joins co-host Sharon Bessell, a Professor of Public Policy and Director of Gender Equity and Diversity at Crawford School of Public Policy at ANU, as they talk to world-wide experts weekly on the popular Policy Forum Pod. Access the Policy Forum Pods below to hear the opinions and ideas on public and health policy and the health challenges throughout the region, and the world. 


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    Policy Forum Pod: Growing up in the shadow of the pandemic

    Child psychiatrist Karen Gaunson and child protection scholar Tim Moore join us to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on children, both now and into the future.

    Policy Forum Pod: Time for work to change

    Why does society still imagine work as distinct from everyday life? How can policymakers rethink how time is allocated to address gender inequity and improve population health?

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    Policy Forum Pod: Learning from the Black Summer

    It’s an experience no Australian wants to relive, but bushfire seasons like that of 2019/2020 are likely to increase in frequency due to climate change.

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    Policy Forum Pod: A vision for a healthy Australia

    Experts in the social determinants of health Sharon Friel and Sandro Demaio join hosts Arnagretta Hunter and Sharon Bessell to discuss realising the vision of a healthy Australia by 2030.

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    Policy Forum Pod: The wellbeing economy - lessons for the future

    Alook back on the year, and our special mini-series on the wellbeing economy.

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    Policy Forum Pod: The wellbeing economy - democratic repair in disconnected times

    On this episode in our special Policy Forum Pod mini-series on the wellbeing economy, Carolyn Hendriks and Millie Rooney join us to discuss how people and communities are bypassing politicians and policymakers to pursue a positive vision for Australia’s future. 

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    Policy Forum Pod: The wellbeing economy - a healthier human future

    The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how deeply interconnected health and economics are. But can policymakers put health front-and-centre of economic conversations beyond the pandemic?

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    Policy Forum Pod: The wellbeing economy - a glimpse of the good life

    Rather than returning to the status quo, many are calling for a change in thinking (and in policy) as societies around the world grapple with the coronavirus crisis. One such advocate for change is global development expert David Hulme, who joins Sharon Bessell and Arnagretta Hunter for a fascinating discussion on the wellbeing economy in this instalment in our special mini-series. 

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    Policy Forum Pod: The wellbeing economy - universal basic income with Guy Standing

    On the third episode in our special mini-series on the wellbeing economy, Arnagretta Hunter and Sharon Bessell are joined by Guy Standing, economist and author of The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class.

    Policy Forum Pod: The wellbeing economy - a post-carbon world

    Can we use economics to solve climate change? In this second episode of our Policy Forum Pod mini-series on the wellbeing economy, top climate experts Mark Howden and Tim Hollo join Sharon Bessell and Arnagretta Hunter.

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    Policy Forum Pod: The wellbeing economy - reimagining the Australian economy

    On this Policy Forum Pod, Sharon Bessell and Arnagretta Hunter kick off our mini-series on the wellbeing economy by getting back to first principles with economist John Quiggin.

    Updated:  21 September 2021/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web