Past events

Find information about past ANU Health and Medicine events.

5.15pm 13 October 2021

Five things you need to know - prepare yourself for science, health and medicine at ANU

Our Student Services team goes above and beyond to ensure you are support throughout your student experience at ANU. Join us to find out more about all the services available to you.

4pm 13 October 2021

Remote Learning Essentials - First year as a Health & Medicine Student at ANU

Do you have questions about commencing your undergraduate health & medicine degree remotely? Join our academic to find out more

Bachelor of Health Science
Prof William Rawlinson

7.30pm 22 September 2021

Diagnosis and characterisation of SARS – COVID-19 and variants of concern

A pandemic is an epidemic occurring worldwide, and spread of SARS CoV2 from Hubei province in China globally has led to rapid changes in our approaches to diagnosis, with rapid use of molecular methods. The use of virus molecular characterization techniques such as Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) has allowed assessment of emerging mutations such as SARS CoV2 Variants of Concern (VOC).

7.30pm 15 September 2021

IT & Health Tech innovations for COVID and beyond

An award winning IT healthcare product is making COVID care affordable, and available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Dr Olivia Reynolds

7.30pm 1 September 2021

Physical Activity in Recovery from Covid-19

Although COVID-19 predominantly affects the respiratory system, evidence indicates multisystem disease where symptoms can range from mild to severe, at times resulting in death. The long-term impacts of COVID-19 are unknown, but many COVID-19 survivors can develop psychological, physical and cognitive impairments.

Dr.Satish Ghanta

7.30pm 25 August 2021

Paediatric COVID and Multi-system Hyper-Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) in Children

The clinical modalities of presentation of pediatric SARS-CoV-2, severity of acute covid illness & multi system management continues to evolve over time. This case-based presentation will cover clinical covid management experience in the pediatric population during the 1st & 2nd wave in Hyderabad, India.

Dr Nicola Schembri

7.30pm 18 August 2021

Chest Imaging Findings in COVID-19 Pneumonitis

During this presentation, Dr Schembri will share first-hand experience of diagnosing numerous UK-based COVID-19 pneumonitis cases on chest CT and will discuss the typical acute image findings, early and long-term chest complications of COVID-19 infection. She will also discuss the correlation of disease extent with prediction of critical illness and the need for mechanical ventilation.

A/Prof. Rajeev Pathak & Dr Charles Itty

7.30pm 11 August 2021

COVID-19 Cardiac Complications

In this webinar, the presenters will review the cardiac complication of COVID-19 and their implications on management from an Australian and International perspective. This will be followed by a panel discussion, which will include cardiovascular experts from India, where they will discuss more practical issues and also answer any questions from the audience.

Dr Marrwah Ahmadzai

7.30pm 4 August 2021

Direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy and considerations for provision of pregnancy care

COVID-19 has disrupted the provision of pregnancy care across the globe. This webinar addresses the latest evidence in this area, with a focus on direct and indirect impacts of coronavirus on pregnancy and how to adapt services to respond to the pandemic.

A/Prof Nick Coatsworth

7.30pm 28 July 2021

The Critical Health Resource Information System – Managing ICU demand in Australia during COVID -19

In 2020, the Australian Government in collaboration with the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society and Ambulance Victoria developed a database to monitor intensive care utilisation during the COVID-19 pandemic. A/Prof Coatsworth will discuss the benefits of such a system to the Australian healtcare system.
