Student stories

Studying health and medicine at ANU is an experience of a lifetime. Find out why directly from our students.

Student profile

ANU graduate makes a difference to lives of students

Ben Gill has always been curious, wanted to understand how things work, and find ways to make improvements. He also wanted to make his mark on the University.

Career story

ANU graduate helps close the gap

Danielle Dries, a Kaurna woman from South Australia wants to close the gap on health and life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Student profile

Student wins scholarship to study causes of autoimmune disease

A medical science graduate has been awarded a scholarship to continue his research into the genetic causes of autoimmune disease.

Student profile

Only in Canberra! One student's national capital experience

There are some experiences you can only get in Canberra.

Student blog

My Manchester experience

On the days leading up to my exchange, I knew I was meant to feel excited but I was actually 50 per cent freaking out, and 50 per cent sad to leave my friends and family.

Student blog

What happens when life doesn't go to plan

I had a plan, and I didn’t know how to begin deviating from it.

Career story

Job hunting is easy with the 'Swiss Army knife' of degrees

For Scott Worboys, starting a full time job after submitting his final assessment piece took just one week.

Career story

From ANU to oceans blue

If you ever met ANU graduate Sarah Yani Vann-Sander, you might think there is nothing that a science degree cannot allow you to do.   

Student profile

Chris Wilder, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery (MChD)

I couldn’t be happier with my choice to come to the ANU Medical School. As students we are given the chance to direct change within the school.

Student blog

Living outside academia

University life is hectic, so finding a balance is essential. Extracurricular activities can help allowing you to develop different skills to put on your resume and meet fantastic people.


Updated:  18 February 2020/Responsible Officer:  Science Web/Page Contact:  Science Web